Ivana Grščića 5
40 317 Podturen
Telefon: 040 847 260
Fax: 040 847 002
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OIB: 86969011305
MATIČNI BROJ: 02727153
HR32 23400091834200007
PERICA HAJDAROVIĆ, mag. ing. mech.
općinski načelnik
tel: 040 847 260; fax: 040 847 002; mob: 099 327 23 99
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RUŽA ŠMITRAN, dipl.oec.
pročelnica Jedinstvenog upravnog odjela
tel: 040 847 004; fax: 040 847 002;
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komunalni redar
tel: 099 545 0979 ; 040 847 004; fax: 040 847 002
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OSOBA ZA NEPRAVILNOSTI U OPĆINI PODTUREN : Vjenceslav Hranilović, bacc.ing.aedif.
predsjednik vijeća
tel: 040 847 260 mob: 098 465 494
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